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A new and nostalgic space created by renovating a nursery school. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you can refresh your body and mind as you spend time relaxing and gazing at the starry sky. Surrounded by hiking trails, lakes, and rivers, you can enjoy activities at your own pace. In addition, camping equipment is available for rent at the spacious sites, making it easy to enjoy camping with nothing at all. The campground experience will provide you with special memories that you cannot get in your everyday life.



Tonttu Hijimaにはそばに天然の水風呂があります。新鮮な水につかりながら、自然に囲まれた環境でリラックスできます。さらに、テントサウナも用意されており、疲れた体を癒すことができます。周囲の自然環境と調和するデザインは、大自然の中で自分自身を取り戻す感覚を与えてくれます。

Tonttu Hijima has a natural water bath by the river. While soaking in the fresh water, you can relax in the natural surroundings. In addition, a tent sauna is available to soothe your tired body. The design blends in with the surrounding natural environment, giving you the feeling of being back in the great outdoors.


Indoor Camp

You want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a camping experience surrounded by nature, but the weather and time of day can make it difficult to enjoy camping. That's why we offer our indoor campsites. Since it is indoors, you can enjoy your camping experience anytime without worrying about the weather. Families are welcome to use our campsites as they can relax in a comfortable indoor environment while enjoying the feeling of the outdoors. At night, you can enjoy an indoor BBQ. We invite you to create special memories at our indoor campsites.




Surrounded by the natural beauty of Shiso City, this place provides an environment where people can relax and face nature, free from the stresses of everyday life. The camp facility was also created by renovating a nursery school, giving it a special, nostalgic atmosphere. In order to make the most of the natural beauty that Shiso has to offer, the facilities are covered with woodchips, giving visitors a taste of new-style camping. Also, during your stay at the campground, you will be able to experience the extraordinary to the fullest, with campfires, barbecues, and stargazing. Time spent here will be a special experience where you can encounter a new you, truly face the abundance of nature, and harmonize with nature.






福壽 晃希

Koki Fukuju

大学卒業後、地方銀行に就職した後、外資系金融機関へ 転職。

趣味を通じて出会ったキャンプ場オーナーからキ ャンプ場の実情を教えてもらい、キャンプ場やサウナ等 のローカルビジネスに興味を持つ。

コロナ禍により再び 脚光を浴びたキャンプやゴルフ、釣り等の「自然遊び」 を利用し、田舎を成長させていく「グローカル」な事業 を展開していく。


​大崎 直紀

Naoki Osaki




Hijima is an attractive area rich in nature and traditional culture. There are many places to enjoy nature, such as vast forests, clear streams, and hot springs. 

 © 2023 TONTTU HIJIMA All Rights Reserved

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